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About Dr. Stephanie D. Block

Dr. Block is currently Associate Professor in Applied Developmental Psychology at the University of Massachusetts, Lowell. Her research focuses on child maltreatment and encompasses her training in both developmental and applied science, as well as public health. Her most recent project was funded by the National Institute of Justice and examined prosecutorial decisions in cases of child sexual abuse. It is her firm belief that scientific research can shape and influence both the law and public policy to bring about optimal forms of informed societal change. She considers it a serious responsibility to contribute to scientific theory, concentrating on issues that directly influence public policy. Dr. Block sits on various local boards including the Massachusetts Children’s Alliance and has trained judges, teachers, lawyers, social workers, and other professionals on various topics related to child welfare. She currently serves as Past-President of the Section on Child Maltreatment and is President-Elect of Division 37 on Child and Family Policy. 

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